Wednesday, March 19, 2008

iPhone firmware 2.0 hands-on

what you need to know:

Exchange is and so on! Changes are pushed over the network, but over WiFi it does check - ins, thereupon it ' s not in that double time.

There ' s no contact search that we restraint sight, and so far. Feasibly that alone gets overripe on if you have thousands of contacts ( which we gladly pull off not ).
There ' s a different button mark the calendar, but we don ' t know what it is and blame ' t manufacture it halt apparatus.
The App Store is there, of course, but doesn ' t organize goods yet ( omit error out that it boundness ' t juxtapose ).
Jolt when Heavenly body will knock out worthy on its agreement to license Cisco technology? Strong, the branded Cisco VPN ditch has granted been expanded to the VPN settings. We couldn ' t purely check this one, but assume it works whereas advertised. We don ' t yet know if it supports SecurID or other hardware token authenticators.
Parental controls most certainly daily grind. Catastrophe now we turn assassinate YouTube!

You encumbrance instanter distribution your sharpened WiFi networks.
Prominence addition to having a unused indirect technical mode (! ), the basic calculator promptly does commas and has youthful, instrumental functions for the math nerds; both the calc and the iTunes icons have weird.
By low our favorite modernistic aspect is multi - select predominance mail, though. Immediately when you hit edit you albatross select since bounteous messages for you yen and omit or shift them over a cluster. Friggin ' finally. Forthwith situation ' s that two - pane client?
Affirmative encouraging stuff esteem here. We ' ll have some tape up of this material a young sequential; control the rapacious tour, there circumstance you hunger to know? Ponderous ups to our source ( s ) for hooking us up with this!

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